William's Portfolio
Hi, My name is
William Pinxterhuis
And this is my Portfolio.
I am William 16 years old my birthday is November 3rd. I am doing the Software Developer level 4 Major. I live in the Netherlands In Zwolle-Zuid. I also have a VMBO Diploma. This is my first project a portfolio project to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript
My Projects
This project is Mastermind this is the assignment of period 3 The goal is to make a digital version of Mastermind. The main goal here is to learn more about Javascript. This project is the one I'm most proud of so far.
This is a Morse code translator as a small project. You can enter text and then translate it into Morse code. You can also play it.
We also made ROT13 without using PHP's str_rot13 function Rot13 is an encryption method where you move forward 13 letters in the alphabet.
This is my portfolio this was the assignment of the first period. The purpose of this was to learn HTML and CSS and work with controllers a bit
This is a Morse code translator as a small project. You can enter text and then translate it into Morse code. You can also play it.
Coming soon
About me
Hello I am William Pinxterhuis 16 years old. I am doing the Software Developer course at Landstede MBO. I chose this course because I am very interested in computers and technology. I am very interested in Programming I like both Front-end and Back-end. At school we work with Laravel Framework, HTML5, CSS, PHP and Javascript, among others. I hope to learn even more languages ​​or frameworks this school year. Because I like to gain extra knowledge.